GENERAL: I inclose dispatch+ just received from Stevenson at Decatur. Roddey it seems has crossed the Tennessee River with about 5,000 men, estimated, and is endeavoring to cut our lines of communication. Gresham must be in the vicinity of Athens and Pula
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Major General George H. Thomas – May 9, 1864
GENERAL: The general commanding directs me to say to you that he has no instructions for to-day other than those agreed upon last night, except for you to cause to be extended signals to General McPherson, and to improve all possible means of watching the
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – May 9, 1864
GENERAL: General Dodge’s command moved up and skirmished with the enemy at Resaca this afternoon. While that was going on one company of mounted infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips’ regiment, succeeded in reaching the railroad near Tilton Station, but w
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 9, 1864
Remain at La Fayette until further orders. Patrol on to Villanow and down toward Rome. Get up your forage as soon as possible.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major-General, Commanding.
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: I shall attack Johnston through Snake Creek Gap. I will take your three infantry division along, but for the time will have to leave Stoneman to guard the point now occupied by you and to keep u a delusion as long as possible. I propose to leave
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: Major-General Sherman has directed Major-General Thomas to order your division to proceed without delay to Villanow, Ga. You will report receipt of these instructions and your arrival at Villanow.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedien
From Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick – May 10, 1864
You will proceed without delay and report with your division to Major-General McPherson. The inclosed instructions for General Garrard to march with hid division from La Fayette to Villanow you will forward to him by a force sufficient to make their recei
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Major General George H. Thomas – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: By direction of the general commanding, you will please order Major-General Hooker to support General McPherson at Snake Creek Gap, directing your nest division to General Geary to watch the road Geary is occupying. The general directs me also to
Read MoreFrom General Leonidas Polk to Jefferson Davis – May 10, 1864
The first of Loring’s brigades arrived and sent forward to Resaca; second just in; the third will be in to-morrow morning early. General Johnston telegraphs he wishes me to hold the two last here for the present. French’s advance brigade was to leave Blue
Read MoreCircular from Major General James B. McPherson – May 10, 1864
Harris’ House, May 10, 1864.
The commanding general desire to warn the officers of this command against any useless and wasteful expenditure of artillery ammunition, as on account of the limited transportati