Your dispatch received. Make all dispatch to reach Paducah to report to General Thomas at Nashville. Your services here will be short and the probabilities are you will return again to the Mississippi. Still, I will order you detached men to you. I will b
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Major General William T. Sherman – October 15, 1864
GENERAL: The operator reports Garrard’s DIVISION having left Adairsville one hour since. General Raum reports a ford five miles above. Will Garrard march for Buzzard Roost as ordered, or do you wish to change the destination of his DIVISION? He will reach
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Brigadier General William D. Whipple – September 13, 1864
After the battle of Chickamauga and pursuit of Wheeler and Roddey, in their attacks upon our trains and lines of communication in the months of September and October, and the battle of Mission Ridge, in November, 1863, the cavalry of the department, consi
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to General J. E. Smith – August 14, 1864
I have sent a brigade of General Garrard’s cavalry over toward Canton to intercept those cattle. Tell General McCook it is important that party represented as 200 strong that has been on the road should be hunted down, else you will have no peace on the r
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – August 14, 1864
The telegraph has just announced the capture, by the rebel cavalry, of a drove of 1,000 cattle about Adairsville. Let General McCook have a determined pursuit and General Garrard a brigade ready to push across to and beyond Canton, to prevent the driving
Read MoreFrom Lieutenant David F. How to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – August 14, 1864
Ascertain if possible the route which the rebels have taken. A brigade of cavalry is ready to move in any direction and cut off their retreat.
By order, &c.:
Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General George H. Thomas to – August 9, 1864
Special Field Orders, No. 205, paragraph X, July 27, 1864, from these headquarters, is revoked. The First Division Cavalry (McCook’s) will proceed to the District of the Etowah, head
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – August 7, 1864
GENERAL: In order that you may have a proper understanding of the recent cavalry operations form this army that terminated somewhat unsuccessfully, I will explain. On the 25th of July I had driven the enemy to his inner intrenchments of Atlanta, and had b
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – August 6, 1864
We have now developed our line along with the enemy from the Augusta railroad, on our left, to Utoy Post-Office, on our right, and the enemy faces us in force at all points with equal force and superior works. General Schofield tried to break through at a
Read MoreFrom Colonel T. J. Harrison to Major General William T. Sherman – August 6, 1864
I have the honor of making the following report: On the 30th of July, near Newnan, Ga., General McCook ordered me to dismount two of my regiments to fight the enemy on foot. The Fourth Tennessee and Fifth Iowa were dismounted, when I dismounted, directing
Read MoreFrom General U. S. Grant to Major General William T. Sherman – August 4, 1864
Richmond papers of yesterday announce the capture of General Stoneman and 500 of his party near Macon. Ga. The capture took place the 31st of July. Have you heard anything of this?
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – August 4, 1864
Will you let General Elliott get a return of all the cavalry not of General Garrard’s proper command, including Generals McCook’s, Kilpatrick’s, and Stoneman’s, and Colonel Hamilton’s commands, and propose an organization that will make all efficient? Col
Read MoreFrom Major General George H. Thomas to Major General David S. Stanley – August 4, 1864
I wish you to have persons on your lookout stations all along the line to observe closely the movements of the enemy, and hold your troops ready to take advantage of any opportunity to move on their intrenchments. General Sherman thinks his movements this
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – August 3, 1864
In order to make my campaign collusive I should have a large cavalry force. We find great difficulty in procuring horses. I understand there are 2,000 at Saint Louis. Can I not have them? Recruits also should be sent to Nashville, and sent forward daily,
Read MoreFrom Lieutenant David F. How to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – August 3, 1864
The general commanding directs that you move with your command to the railroad bridge north of the Chattahoochee. He congratulates you and your command on your success during the late raid.
Lieutenant and acting Assistant Adjutant-Gene
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Gordon Granger – August 3, 1864
I want that brigade. Stephen D. Lee is here from Mississippi with 3,500 cavalry, dismounted. Deserters say also that Forrest is here, but, if so, only for consultation. Get General Lorenzo Thomas to give you some negro regiments to hold the railroad stati
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Commanding Officer at Marietta – August 2, 1864
Report to me direct any men of General McCook’s got in, and also if General Kilpatrick has come down with his cavalry from Cartersville.
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to General Webster – August 2, 1864
Don’s call for any cavalry from Memphis. General A. J. Smith has his orders to watch Forrest, and if he comes to Tennessee to follow his to Decatur. He will want all his cavalry. Only collect the scattered detachments of cavalry and order more horses to b
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – August 2, 1864
I am quite unwell to-day. General Schofield is marching for and will take up position on the right. I think well of General Stanley’s keeping a mere line of display were General Schofield was for a few days, and if you can occupy General Palmer’s place in
Read MoreFrom James C. Van Duzer to Major T. T. Eckert – August 1, 1864
Our cavalry, under General McCook, reached the Macon road, burned a brigade, and destroyed railroad for twelve miles at thoroughly as possible. Burned several trains of wagons-500 in all-including 300 loads of clothing, and Hood’s headquarters train, but
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – August 1, 1864
Colonel Brownlow is here and reports that General McCook proceeded according to his orders, and reached the Macon railroad and destroyed twelve miles and a bridge over a branch of White Water, which he says, is as long as that over Chattahoochee. He also
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – August 1, 1864
Colonel Brownlow reports from Marietta that he has just reached there, having escaped from a disaster that overtook General McCook’s cavalry expedition at Newnan. He reports the expedition reached the railroad and destroyed more road than the rebels can r
Read MoreFrom L. P. Dodge to Brigadier General John H. Kelly – August 1, 1864
The general directs me to say that there is no news of importance here. Wheeler dispatches from Newnan that he has completed the killing, capturing, and breaking up of the raiding party under McCook. Yours of 9.40 received.
From Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Judson Kilpatrick – August 1, 1864
Protect with your division to Chattahoochee River, taking the Sand town road. Should you find any stragglers from First Division, bring them up with you. We hear the division inflicted considerable damage on the enemy, but was afterward overpowered by cav
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – August 1, 1864
You had better order General Kilpatrick to march at once down by Marietta to our right flank, and to gather up the fragments of General McCook’s cavalry and put it in shop[e, for enemy will surely cross over to that flank. Also, if you have regiment of ca
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – August 1, 1864
General Howard reports an unusual movement of troops out of Atlanta to his right. I am very anxious to hear the substance of Colonel Brownlow’s story. I am told by General Barry’s aide that he saw Colonel Brownlow at your camp. I cannot understand Brownlo
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 31, 1864
I have news from General Garrard. He camped eighteen miles from here last night, on the Peach Tree road, and is coming toward Buck Head now; had a small fight first day; since, nothing. I think I understood the man, and that General Stoneman has gone on t
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 31, 1864
I have your dispatch, which is most satisfactory. I think General Schofield, supported by General Davis and Ward, will reach the railroad. At all events, it is our true move. General Garrard’s cavalry can occupy General Schofield’s lines, and General Stan
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Generals Thomas and Howard – July 31, 1864
A cavalryman, just in, says General Garrard is coming in by the Peach Tree road; had a small fight first day, none since. Says General Stoneman has gone on, so that branch of the raid seems to be doing well. I now want news of General McCook. As soon as G
Read MoreFrom L. P. Dodge to Major General Joseph Wheeler – July 29, 1864
Your dispatch of yesterday, 6.30 p. m., just received. At same time one from General Jackson, dated near Campbellton, 28th, 9 p. m., stating that the force which crossed the river near that point was McCook’s cavalry division. They were evidently making f
Read MoreReport from Major General William T. Sherman about Stoneman’s Cavalry Raid – July 29, 1864
Having, therefore, sufficiently crippled the Augusta road, and rendered it useless to the enemy, I then addressed myself to the task of reaching the Macon road, over which of necessity came the stores and ammunition that alone maintained the
Read MoreReport from Confederate Major-General Joseph Wheeler’s Cavalry – July 29, 1864
I took my place on the right of the army, skirmishing with the enemy until the 27th. At daylight on that morning, pursuant to orders, I relieved General Hardee’s entire line with my cavalry. While doing so I discovered that the enemy had abandoned their s
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General George H. Thomas to – July 27, 1864
Near Atlanta, Ga., July 27, 1864.
* * * * * *
X. The First Division of Cavalry (McCook’s) will be relieved by the Third Division of cavalry (Kilpatrick’s) in the following manner: Tenth Ohio and detachment of Second Kentucky Cavalry, with one sectio
Special Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 25, 1864
The several armies and bodies of cavalry will watch the enemy closely to their respective fronts, and in case the enemy retreats toward the southeast General Schofield will follow directly through Atlanta, General Thomas by roads on his right,
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 25, 1864
GENERAL; Yours of to-day is received. I beg you will convey to Colonels Minty, Long, and Miller the assurances that I fully appreciate the services recently rendered. I would like to give all the time you ask for rest, reshoeing, &c., but am advised by Ge
Read MoreFrom Major General John A. Logan to Major General William T. Sherman – July 24, 1864
I have the honor to state the brigade of cavalry from General Stoneman’s command, which, by information from you of last evening, was to report to me this morning, has not yet reported. It is necessary that trains with forage and rations should be brought
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 23, 1864
General Rousseau reports from Marietta yesterday his safe return from Opelika, having destroyed that depot 30 miles of railroad toward Montgomery, 3 miles toward Columbus, and 2 toward West Point. His entire loss 12 killed and 30 wounded. He brings in 400
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 23, 1864
GENERAL: We find the enemy in force inside of Atlanta, doubtless in the entrenchments as represented in the blue map as a circle of one mile and a quarter radius. We can see the building of town plain. The enemy fires a good deal of artillery, which passe
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 20, 1864
GENERAL: I have a dispatch from General Grant. Answer him in my name that Major General Smith has the very orders he suggests, viz, to hang on the Forrest and prevent his coming to Tennessee. I will, however, renew the order. I advanced from the Chattahoo
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 14, 1864
In the Field, near Chattahoochee River, Numbers 35.
July 14, 1864.
Preliminary steps having already begun, the following general plan will be observed and adhered to:
I. Major-General Thomas will prepare to cross his army at Powers’ and Pace’s Fe
From Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 8, 1864
I have been to our extreme right and all well. Be active at daylight to-morrow to draw attention as far down the river as possible. The moment I hear you have made a lodgment on the south bank I will send a division up to re-enforce you, and it will be fo
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 7, 1864
GENERAL: I have nothing special to report. All day to-day I have been inspecting the country near here and find I can take position to advantage north of Roswell and about two miles from the town, and command all the roads between that place and the Etowa
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 7, 1864
I have a letter from Garrard; he has possession of the factory at Roswell. I wish you to make an examination thereabouts and secure a foothold, fortified on the other side, anywhere about Roswell or mouth of Soap Creek. I also that Johnston’s cavalry has
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 6, 1864
GENERAL: Roswell was occupied by my command with but small opposition, the few hundred rebels on the roads falling back before my advance, and burning the bridge after crossing. There is a good ford at this place, so I am informed (the shallow ford), but
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Edward M. McCook to Lieutenant David F. How – July 6, 1864
I have the honor to report that in compliance with orders received, and also with verbal directions from Major-General Sherman, I proceeded to this point (Hargrove’s house), divided my force, sending one detachment to Powers’ Ferry, and marching with the
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 6, 1864
GENERAL: I have just received your note announcing that you have possession of Roswell. This is important; watch well the crossing there, but not in force; keep your main force concealed somewhat. General McCook has just started for some point between Rot
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – July 6, 1864
You will proceed with your command to Powers’ Ferry and hold that position, communicating with General Garrard, who it is reported is at or near Howell’s Factory (of linen map Numbers 3). Your supplies will be drawn from Marietta.
I am, general, very r
From Lieutenant David F. How to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: The general commanding directs that you march with your command to the left and rear of the Army of the Cumberland. General Howard’s (Fourth) corps is on the left, with his right resting on the railroad. General Garrard’s division is on the extre
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George Stoneman – July 5, 1864
DEAR STONEMAN: I have your note, which is very satisfactory. I have heard of your general success from other quarters. I will instruct General Barry to give you a good four-gun battery, if he can get one from some of the commands. Our left is now on the r
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 4, 1864
I have no doubt that the enemy will attempt to molest our rear with his cavalry, and that he has reserved Roswell fortified for that very purpose. To counteract his designs I have ordered Garrard, with his whole cavalry, to proceed to Roswell, take the pl
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Brigadier General W. L. Elliott – July 4, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that I advanced on the Pace’s Ferry road about a mile and a half, driving the enemy’s pickets, crossing a creek and taking a range of hills on the south side. The enemy was strong, and being in front of the infantry, wh
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 2, 1864
Don’t order back your empty wagons, but have them loaded with bran, rice, hominy, sugar and coffee, and salt, and I will see, if the commissaries have slighted you in distribution of bread rations, that it be made good. I also think it will be safe for yo
Read MoreFrom James C. Van Duzer to Major T. T. Eckert – June 27, 1864
At 8.30 a. m. to- day Sherman attacked the enemy’s line at four points, Schofield carrying the position of the enemy on Sandtown road, north of Ollely’s Creek, which he holds, and which is all the real gain of the day. Thomas attacked with four brigades,
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – June 9, 1864
In the Field, Acworth, Ga., June 9, 1864.
The armies will move forward to-morrow morning.
I. Major-General Thomas the center, on the Burnt Hickory and Marietta road and such other roads as he may choose between it and the Acworth and Marietta road,
From Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Brigadier General William D. Whipple – May 18, 1864
GENERAL: Your communication directing me to return and cross the Oostanaula at Lay’s Ferry came to hand last evening about an hour before sunset. The enemy, variously estimated at 3,000 to 5,000, were moving forward to attack me. While reading the note th
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 15, 1864
GENERAL: I regret exceedingly you did not avail yourself of the chance I gave you to cut the railroad. At the time you reached the bridge, Martin’s cavalry was all that was on that flank, and they widely scattered. Forrest on the 6th was retreating before
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: I shall attack Johnston through Snake Creek Gap. I will take your three infantry division along, but for the time will have to leave Stoneman to guard the point now occupied by you and to keep u a delusion as long as possible. I propose to leave
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