GENERAL: I will move on to-day through Ship’s Gap. I have heard nothing from General McPherson, but know that his troops passed through Gordon’s and Ship’s Gaps. My artillery and wagons are not up. I should receive orders from General McPherson somewhere
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – May 10, 1864
I am starting for the extreme front in Buzzard Roost Gap, and write this dispatch that you may understand. Johnston acts purely on the defensive. I am attacking him on his strongest fronts, viz, west and north, till McPherson breaks his line at Resaca, wh
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: I have yours of last night and have talked to Captain Audenried. I regret beyond measure you did not break the railroad, however little, and close to Resaca, but I suppose it was impossible. We find in Buzzard Roost Gap an almost impassable obsta
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General James B. McPherson – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: Inclosed I send you an order just received.* I send one brigade to-night, and will with the other to-morrow, and be at Villanow by 9 a. m. to-morrow. My wagons and artillery are just up. As I have a large force from my other brigade on the road t
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – May 10, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatches of 10 [.30] a. m. to-day. Brigadier-General Williams has reported his division at the west end of the gap, and I have directed him to leave one brigade there to guard the trains and t
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – May 11, 1864
GENERAL: The indications are that Johnston is evacuating Dalton. In that event Howard and the cavalry will pursue, and all the rest will follow your note. I will be down early in the morning. Try and strike him if possible about the forks of the road. Hoo
Read MoreFrom Major General George H. Thomas to Major General James B. McPherson – May 11, 1864
Garrard at Villanow at 9 a. m. He is to report to you. Notify him of this fact, and notify me when he does so.
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General George H. Thomas – May 11, 1864
Commanding Department of the Cumberland:
General Garrard has reported, and has been directed to remain at Villanow watching the road toward Rome and La Fayette until further orders.
Major-General, Commanding.
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – May 12, 1864
May 12, 1864.
The object of the movement for to-morrow is to interpose between the enemy and Resaca, and to break his communications.
I. Major-General McPherson will move his column directly on Resaca occupying in force the hills on this side of Cam
From Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 12, 1864
Commanding Cavalry Division, Villanow:
GENERAL: The indications are that the enemy is evacuating Dalton. If this should prove to be really the case, I desire you to push a strong column down forward Rome to threaten that flank. Hold your command in rea