CAPTAIN: At 5 a. m. yesterday, the 15th instant, I marched from camp on Dry Creek. At about 8 a. m. my advance struck the enemy’s pickets near Farmer’s Bridge, on Armuchee Creek, and drove them in. The advance vedettes and a few of my scouts charged over
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: I will attend General Thomas’ army to-morrow and hope to reach Adairsville. You had better mass your men a little in front of Calhoun, and when you know Thomas is advancing south of Calhoun keep abreast or a little ahead of him. I presume you are
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: I am directed by the general commanding to say that General Davis was ordered to cross and operate with you, predicated upon information given him from your dispatch bearer, who stated positively that the Farmer’s Bridge was over the Oostanaula.
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: I met your staff officer on his way to Resaca, he told me his business. The information he gave me concerning the bridges places [me] in some doubt as to what I had best do, and your intention to return to Ray’s [Lay’s] Ferry increases my perplex
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: Dispatch a good division down the old Rome road which passes down the west of the Oostanaula, four miles west of this to Farmer’s Bridge, which is eight miles north of Rome. There will be found General Garrard’s train of artillery which he will l
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Major General John M. Schofield – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: Your dispatch of midnight is to hand, and the general commanding says it’s very well, and to secure a strong flank on the river, keeping your one division in reserve. General Garrard is in possession of the bridge over Oostanaula, eight miles thi
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Major General George H. Thomas – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: This will be handed you by a staff officer of General Garrard, who returns with information that no bridge exists across the Oostanaula below the pontoons until you reach Rome. He reports General Garrard returning to Resaca, to cross at the ponto
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – May 16, 1864
Railroad track finished and cars in. Columns are well across Oostanaula, and I will aim to reach Kingston to-morrow, and the Etowah on the third day. I take it for granted Rome will fall as a consequence.
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – May 17, 1864
GENERAL: It is probable on reaching Adairsville in the early morning we will find the enemy has retreated via Cassville. If such be the case I want you to put your head of column after him as far as Cassville, when I will determine whether to continue the
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General William D. Whipple to Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis – May 17, 1864
Come back to Lay’s Ferry and cross the Oostanaula at that point, unless the bridge has been taken up and taken to where you are. Join your corps as soon as possible after crossing.
By command, &c.:
Brigadier-General and Chief of S