July 5, 1864.
Captain DAYTON,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:
CAPTAIN: I have to report for the information of the major-general commanding that my command is camped on the Willeyo Creek near Roswell Factory. My advance is at the Factory. I will destroy all buildings. The bridge at this point over the river is burnt by the rebels. The ford is passable; so reported by citizens. I sent a regiment to the paper-mills, burnt the paper-mills, flouring-mills, and machine-shops. The citizens report the banks of the river high at Powers’ Ferry and batteries in position on south bank. They had a pontoon bridge at Pace’s Ferry, a few miles below, where a portion of their army crossed. There is a road running from Roswell Factory down the river below the paper-mills, and near the mills and above passes on the bank of river. As fast as possible I will send information of the roads, fords, ferries, &c.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brigadier General Kenner Garrard,
Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.