Read the official orders, communications and reports that were issued regarding Garrard’s cavalry, Minty’s brigade, and the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Online here are the pertinent records found in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 38. Click the Archives listing at right to select a Month, or use the Search Tags or Search box to find a particular subject.
Special Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 18, 1864
In the Field, near Cross Keys, Ga., July 18, 1864.
The movement of the army to-morrow, July 19, will be as follows:
I. Major-General Thomas will press down from the north on Atlanta, holding in strength the line of Peach Tree, but crossing and threa
From Colonel W. S. Jones to Captain Gordon Lofland – July 18, 1864
July 18, marched in the direction of Stone Mountain, supporting General Garrard’s cavalry; reached Atlanta and Augusta Railroad, near Stone Mountain, about 3 p. m., being the only infantry that reached the road. Destroyed about three miles of railroad and
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 18, 1864
I am at Sam. House’s, a brick house well known, and near Old Cross Keys. A sick negro, the only human being left on the premises, says we are eleven miles from Atlanta, five from Buck Head, and a sign board says ten miles to McAfee’s Bridge and eleven to
read moreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – July 17, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to inclose herewith a sketch* of my position, together with a report from Brigadier General K. Garrard, giving the position of his troops and his operations for to-day. We have met nothing but cavalry, and few of them, except in
read moreReport from General Joseph E. Johnston – July 17, 1864
In obedience to orders of the War Department, I turn over to General Hood the command of the Army and Department of Tennessee. I cannot leave this noble army without expressing my admirat
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 17, 1864
Commanding Army of the Cumberland:
GENERAL: General Schofield has just been here and describes his position as on Nancy’s Creek, his pickets on south side, near Cross Keys, about the lots 304, 315, and 316.
General McPherson is on the road from Rosw
Special Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 17, 1864
Memoranda to Special Field Orders, Numbers 36: The map composed of two parts of the official compilation made at Marietta July 5 and 11, 1864, is the best and will be the standard for orders issued from these headquarters. As a general rule, old road will
read moreSpecial Field Orders from Major General James B. McPherson to – July 17, 1864
Near Nancy’s Creek, Ga., July 17, 1864.
* * *
VI. To carry out Special Field Orders, Numbers 36, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, a copy of which is inclosed herewith,* the following movements will take place to-morrow:
1. The F
From Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – July 16, 1864
I shall have to leave with my trains near this place at least three good regiments of infantry and one regiment of cavalry. I am waiting for Garrard to come to obtain some definite information about the road. As far as I can learn yet the Hightower trail
read moreFrom General Joseph E. Johnston to Jefferson Davis – July 16, 1864
Your dispatch of to-day received. The slight change in the enemy’s dispositions made since my dispatch of the 14th to General Cooper was reported to General Bragg yesterday. It was a report from General Wheeler that Schofield’s corps had advanced eastward
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