Reports of Colonel Eli Long, Fourth Ohio Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations May 26-August 22.
Near Roswell, Ga., July 12, 1864.
CAPTAIN: Please find annexed a report of the operations of the Second Brigade, Second Cavalry Division, since leaving Decatur, Ala., on the 26th of May and up to the 1st of the present month, which I have the honor to forward for the information of the brigadier-general commanding corps:
Leaving Decatur, I proceeded on the Courtland road toward Courtland, Ala., and soon found the enemy, a portion of General Roddey’s cavalry command. Attacking them at once, they were thrown into a hasty retreat, and we captured 12 prisoners and 2 stand of colors, besides wagons, horses, mules, arms, &c.; our loss nothing.
Next day Roddey’s entire command was met near Courtland, and, after an engagement of half an hour, I drove him through the town, taking 3 prisoners and killing Major Williams. We had 1 man wounded. On the 28th we had no fighting, but surprised and captured 6 of Roddey’s men.
May 29, near Moulton, Ala., I was attacked at 4 a. m. General Roddey with cavalry and four pieces of artillery. After a severe engagement, lasting two hours, the enemy was completely repulsed on all sides, and compelled to retreat in great disorder toward Moulton, leaving his dead and some wounded on the field. Roddey’s loss was 12 to 15 killed; the number of his wounded not known. We took 16 prisoners, including 1 lieutenant-colonel and 2 lieutenants. Our own casualties were 3 killed and 14 wounded. Marched that morning at 8 o’clock, passing through Somerville, Ala., and on the 30th of May overtook the Seventeenth Army Corps, Major-General Blair. Remained with his command until the 6th of June, when we arrived at Kingston, Ga. Crossing Raccoon and Sand Mountains was very severe upon our horses, although the roads by this route were generally good and water abundant. Our supply of forage was very limited, and we depended for the most part upon the grazing. Crossed Lookout Mountain on the 3rd June, and marched toward Rome, Ga., surprising and capturing 16 rebel soldiers and 1 lieutenant-colonel. June 6, marched from Rome to Kingston, and on the following day to Etowah Bridge, thence toward Marietta. June 11, while encamped ten miles from Marietta, I sent out the First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry on a reconnaissance toward that town. They met a force of the enemy, and drove them some four miles. The Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry was sent on another road, and found the enemy a few miles from camp, attacked them, but found they had largely superior numbers, and the regiment was compelled to fall back. Our loss here was 12 wounded and 2 missing. The enemy had several wounded, and we took 1 prisoner. Remained in camp at Noonday Creek, having frequent skirmishing with the rebel pickets, until the 15th, when I received marching orders. At 2 p. m. I attacked General Wheeler’s cavalry command, and fought him for about an hour, but was at length compelled to fall back, Wheeler being well fortified, and intrenched beyond our power to drive him out. In this engagement we lost 2 killed, 16 wounded, and 2 missing. Rebel loss unknown. On the 16th of June I moved toward the front, and encamped near Kenesaw Mountain, remaining here until the 19th, when, upon orders received, I moved my command, and drove the enemy to Noonday Creek. Here I formed a junction with the Third Brigade. The enemy made a stand on the farther bank of the creek, and fought stubbornly for several hours. June 20, was ordered to re-enforce Colonel Minty’s brigade, which had encountered the enemy and been driven back to the creek. June 23, crossed Noonday Creek, and was attacked by the enemy some five miles from Marietta. The attack was handsomely repelled, and the enemy driven back, with a loss of 1 killed and several wounded; our loss, 2 wounded and 2 missing. During the remainder of the month my command rested, for the most part, quietly in camp.
Since leaving Decatur the brigade has marched (the main column) 215 miles, much of this distance being mountainous country. Besides horses, mules, wagons, and arms taken, we captured a total of 5 officers and 54 men, and lost, in killed, 5; wounded, 45; missing 6.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
[Captain J. E. JACOBS,
Assistant Adjutant-General.]