CAPTAIN: In accordance with orders from headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, I have the honor to hand you the following report of the operations of this brigade during the campaign ending in the occupation of Atlanta.
Read MoreReport of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver P. Robie, Fourth Ohio Cavalry – September 11, 1864
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to forward history of the regiment during the campaign just closed:
The regiment left Columbia, Tenn., May 22, 1864, and, marching via Pulaski,
Report of Colonel Beroth B. Eggleston, First Ohio Cavalry, commanding Second Brigade – September 11, 1864
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to forward the following report of the operations of this command during the past campaign.
The brigade
Report of Colonel Charles B. Seidel, Third Ohio Cavalry – September 11, 1864
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of operations of Third Ohio Veteran Volunteer Cavalry during the campaign just closed:
The regiment left C
From Colonel Eli Long to Captain Robert P. Kennedy – August 8, 1864
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report, for the information of the brigadier-general commanding, that I sent a scouting party of one battalion of McAfee’s Bridge at an early hour this morning. Lieutenant-Colonel Patten, First Ohio Cavalry, was in charge of t
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 24, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that your instructions have been carried out My dispositions were such as to enable me to take every point by surprise and insure my safe return, with a loss of only 2 killed. Results: Three road bridges and one railroa
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 21, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your orders last night at 1.30 a. m. At that time one brigade (three regiments) was at Cross Keys, ten miles from here, with pickets in every direction from there to four miles; one regiment was at M
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 19, 1864
GENERAL: I have to report that, owing to the appearance of the enemy in this vicinity last evening, I sent a regiment to the Peach Tree road, one of McAfee’s Bridge, and ordered Colonel Long, with his two regiments, up; also, that trains, stragglers, &c.,
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – July 18, 1864
GENERAL: Inclosed please find sketch* of my position to-night and copy of Special Field Orders, Numbers 70, paragraph VI, from these headquarters.+
In pursuance of this order, the different commands were in motion promptly at the hour designated, the S
Special Field Orders from Major General James B. McPherson to – July 16, 1864
VII. In order to carry out the spirit and intention of Special Field Orders, Numbers 35, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, the following movements will take place:
1. The Fifteenth Army Corps, Major General John A. Logan commanding, wi
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 14, 1864
General Blair reports a movement of cavalry down the river on the other side all last night, drawn there doubtless by Stoneman’s and Rousseau’s movement. Let General Garrard feel out strong and disturb those that are left.
From Colonel Eli Long to Captain Robert P. Kennedy – July 14, 1864
Being encamped near Noonday Creek, north of Marietta, I remained there until the evening of the 3d, then marching to Big Shanty. On the following day I received orders to follow the enemy, who was retreating, and, marching via Marietta, I pursued him some
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 14, 1864
In the Field, near Chattahoochee River, Numbers 35.
July 14, 1864.
Preliminary steps having already begun, the following general plan will be observed and adhered to:
I. Major-General Thomas will prepare to cross his army at Powers’ and Pace’s Fe
From Brigadier General John H. Kelly to Major E. S. Burford – July 10, 1864
Assistant Adjutant-General:
MAJOR: I have the honor to inform you that I have just arrived at this point with Dibrell’s brigade. Colonel Hannon reports all quiet in his front; he also reports the force which crossed at McAfee’s Bridge to have withdrawn
From Lieutenant-Colonel J. F. Gaines to Captain Terrett – July 8, 1864
Assistant Adjutant-General, Kelly’s Division:
CAPTAIN: Scouting parties of the enemy have made their appearance all along my front to-day as far up as McAfee’s Bridge. I think very likely they are reconnoitering for the purpose of attempting a crossing
From Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 7, 1864
GENERAL: I have nothing special to report. All day to-day I have been inspecting the country near here and find I can take position to advantage north of Roswell and about two miles from the town, and command all the roads between that place and the Etowa
Read MoreFrom Colonel Robert H. G. Minty to Captain Robert P. Kennedy – July 7, 1864
I beg to hand you the following extracts from a letter published at Atlanta, in the afternoon edition of the Memphis Appeal of the 25th June, as a supplementary report of the fight at Latimar’s Mill [on Noonday Creek] on the 20th June:
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