Read the official orders, communications and reports that were issued regarding Garrard’s cavalry, Minty’s brigade, and the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Online here are the pertinent records found in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 38. Click the Archives listing at right to select a Month, or use the Search Tags or Search box to find a particular subject.
From Lieutenant David F. How to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: The general commanding directs that you march with your command to the left and rear of the Army of the Cumberland. General Howard’s (Fourth) corps is on the left, with his right resting on the railroad. General Garrard’s division is on the extre
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: I have ordered Schofield over to this road, in rear of the center, preparatory to moving him over to about the mouth of Rottenwood or Roswell Factory according to reports I may receive from General Garrard. I was in hopes you would get control of
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: I have ordered Schofield over to this road, in rear of the center, preparatory to moving him over to about the mouth of Rottenwood or Roswell Factory according to reports I may receive from General Garrard. I was in hopes you would get control of
read moreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Captain L. M. Dayton – July 5, 1864
CAPTAIN: I have to report for the information of the major-general commanding that my command is camped on the Willeyo Creek near Roswell Factory. My advance is at the Factory. I will destroy all buildings. The bridge at this point over the river is burnt
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George Stoneman – July 5, 1864
DEAR STONEMAN: I have your note, which is very satisfactory. I have heard of your general success from other quarters. I will instruct General Barry to give you a good four-gun battery, if he can get one from some of the commands. Our left is now on the r
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 5, 1864
On the 3rd we pursued the enemy by all the roads south till we found him in an intrenched position which had been prepared in advance, its salient on the main Marietta and Atlanta road about five miles south of Marietta, and the wings behind the Nickajack
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 4, 1864
I have no doubt that the enemy will attempt to molest our rear with his cavalry, and that he has reserved Roswell fortified for that very purpose. To counteract his designs I have ordered Garrard, with his whole cavalry, to proceed to Roswell, take the pl
read moreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Brigadier General W. L. Elliott – July 4, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that I advanced on the Pace’s Ferry road about a mile and a half, driving the enemy’s pickets, crossing a creek and taking a range of hills on the south side. The enemy was strong, and being in front of the infantry, wh
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 3, 1864
General Thomas is moving directly down the road hence to railroad bridge. Garrard’s cavalry is off to the left between railroad and Chattahoochee. I want you and McPherson to threaten the flank of the enemy from Ruff’s Mill; also in the direction of Turne
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 3, 1864
The movement on our right caused the enemy to evacuate. We occupied Kenesaw at daylight and Marietta at 8.30 a.m. Thomas is moving down the main road, toward the Chattahoochee; McPherson toward the mouth of Nickajack on the Sandtown road. Our cavalry is o
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