I will go over to the right to-day. General Schofield will see as to making a lodgment about the mouth of Soap Creek, and General Garrard at Roswell Factory. I want you to stir up the enemy to-day, and this afternoon and to-night to send down rafts to bre
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General William D. Whipple to Major General Oliver O. Howard – July 8, 1864
GENERAL: Brigadier-General Garrard is to effect a lodgment at Roswell Factory to-morrow morning, and as soon as he reports himself successful General Sherman is to send a corps of the Army of the Tennessee to that point. General McPherson is, however, so
Read MoreFrom Major General John M. Schofield to Major General William T. Sherman – July 7, 1864
I have not been able to reconnoiter as far as Roswell to-day. I find a pretty good crossing near mouth of Soap Creek. Half a mile above the creek is a shallow ford where infantry can cross easily, but there is no road leading to it and it would be difficu
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 7, 1864
GENERAL: I have nothing special to report. All day to-day I have been inspecting the country near here and find I can take position to advantage north of Roswell and about two miles from the town, and command all the roads between that place and the Etowa
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 7, 1864
General Garrard reports to me that he is in possession of Roswell, where were several valuable cotton and woolen factories in full operation, also paper-mills, all of which, by my order, he destroyed by fire. They had been for years engaged exclusively at
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 7, 1864
I have a letter from Garrard; he has possession of the factory at Roswell. I wish you to make an examination thereabouts and secure a foothold, fortified on the other side, anywhere about Roswell or mouth of Soap Creek. I also that Johnston’s cavalry has
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 7, 1864
GENERAL: Your report is received and is most acceptable. I had no idea that the factories at Roswell remained in operation, but supposed the machinery had all been removed. Their utter destruction is right and meets my entire approval, and to make the mat
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – July 6, 1864
GENERAL: Roswell was occupied by my command with but small opposition, the few hundred rebels on the roads falling back before my advance, and burning the bridge after crossing. There is a good ford at this place, so I am informed (the shallow ford), but
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 6, 1864
GENERAL: I have just received your note announcing that you have possession of Roswell. This is important; watch well the crossing there, but not in force; keep your main force concealed somewhat. General McCook has just started for some point between Rot
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General W. L. Elliott to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – July 6, 1864
You will proceed with your command to Powers’ Ferry and hold that position, communicating with General Garrard, who it is reported is at or near Howell’s Factory (of linen map Numbers 3). Your supplies will be drawn from Marietta.
I am, general, very r
From Brigadier General Edward M. McCook to Lieutenant David F. How – July 6, 1864
I have the honor to report that in compliance with orders received, and also with verbal directions from Major-General Sherman, I proceeded to this point (Hargrove’s house), divided my force, sending one detachment to Powers’ Ferry, and marching with the
Read MoreFrom Lieutenant David F. How to Brigadier General Edward M. McCook – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: The general commanding directs that you march with your command to the left and rear of the Army of the Cumberland. General Howard’s (Fourth) corps is on the left, with his right resting on the railroad. General Garrard’s division is on the extre
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: I have ordered Schofield over to this road, in rear of the center, preparatory to moving him over to about the mouth of Rottenwood or Roswell Factory according to reports I may receive from General Garrard. I was in hopes you would get control of
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 5, 1864
GENERAL: I have ordered Schofield over to this road, in rear of the center, preparatory to moving him over to about the mouth of Rottenwood or Roswell Factory according to reports I may receive from General Garrard. I was in hopes you would get control of
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Captain L. M. Dayton – July 5, 1864
CAPTAIN: I have to report for the information of the major-general commanding that my command is camped on the Willeyo Creek near Roswell Factory. My advance is at the Factory. I will destroy all buildings. The bridge at this point over the river is burnt
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George Stoneman – July 5, 1864
DEAR STONEMAN: I have your note, which is very satisfactory. I have heard of your general success from other quarters. I will instruct General Barry to give you a good four-gun battery, if he can get one from some of the commands. Our left is now on the r
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – July 5, 1864
On the 3rd we pursued the enemy by all the roads south till we found him in an intrenched position which had been prepared in advance, its salient on the main Marietta and Atlanta road about five miles south of Marietta, and the wings behind the Nickajack
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 4, 1864
I have no doubt that the enemy will attempt to molest our rear with his cavalry, and that he has reserved Roswell fortified for that very purpose. To counteract his designs I have ordered Garrard, with his whole cavalry, to proceed to Roswell, take the pl
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Brigadier General W. L. Elliott – July 4, 1864
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that I advanced on the Pace’s Ferry road about a mile and a half, driving the enemy’s pickets, crossing a creek and taking a range of hills on the south side. The enemy was strong, and being in front of the infantry, wh
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 3, 1864
General Thomas is moving directly down the road hence to railroad bridge. Garrard’s cavalry is off to the left between railroad and Chattahoochee. I want you and McPherson to threaten the flank of the enemy from Ruff’s Mill; also in the direction of Turne
Read MoreFrom Major General John M. Schofield to Major General George Stoneman – July 3, 1864
GENERAL: The enemy abandoned Kenesaw in the night and has fallen back along his entire line how far does not yet appear. General Thomas is following. General McPherson is moving over onto our right, according to yesterday’s orders. If the enemy crosses th
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – July 3, 1864
(Same to General Schofield.)
July 3, 1864.
Major-General SHERMAN:
The enemy has disappeared from my entire front, and my troops have been in pursuit since daylight. Please direc
Special Field Orders from Major General James B. McPherson to – July 2, 1864
V. In order to carry out Special Field Orders, Numbers 31, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi a copy of which is inclosed herewith,* the following movements will be made:
1. The supply trains of the Army of the Tennessee, as fast as they
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – July 2, 1864
General Garrard’s communication is secured. He will be required to cover your line during the movement. If Wheeler goes up to Centreville he will find more than he bargains for and then will be time for Garrard to cut in behind.
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 2, 1864
Don’t order back your empty wagons, but have them loaded with bran, rice, hominy, sugar and coffee, and salt, and I will see, if the commissaries have slighted you in distribution of bread rations, that it be made good. I also think it will be safe for yo
Read MoreFrom Major General George H. Thomas to Major General William T. Sherman – July 2, 1864
Has General Garrard been to connect with me; and where has he been directed to have his headquarters?
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – July 2, 1864
General McPherson is now moving out. General Garrard will cover the depot; but one of the greatest probabilities is that Wheeler’s cavalry will, the moment the disposition of the infantry is discovered, sweep round the flank of the cavalry and try to capt
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – July 2, 1864
Report by letter or a staff officer the disposition of your command under the orders of last night to General Thomas, who is to remain where he now is. I will go to Cheney’s or Wade’s, down the Sandtown road. General Stoneman has been down to the Sweet Wa
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General James B. McPherson – July 1, 1864
GENERAL: Within the last hour two of the cavalry pickets in my front, belonging to the Fifth Georgia, came into my line. They report Wheeler in his camp in my front, but that he has ordered four days’ rations and forage to be issued, and that he intends t
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – July 1, 1864
In the Field, near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. Numbers 31.
July 1, 1864
The object of the contemplated movement is to deprive the enemy of the great advantage he has in Kenesaw as a valuable watchtower from which to observe our every movement; to force hi
From Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – June 30, 1864
You may notify Garrard that in our next movement he will have to cover the roads leading from Marietta back to Allatoona, and that he and his brigade commanders should acquaint themselves with the lay of the country and the roads.
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Mortimer D. Leggett to Lieutenant Colonel A. J. Alexander – June 28, 1864
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that, in pursuance of orders from corps headquarters, I moved my division yesterday morning to the left and to the front into line of battle, the left resting on a hill about 100 yards from the Bell’s Ferry road, and co
Read MoreFrom James C. Van Duzer to Major T. T. Eckert – June 27, 1864
At 8.30 a. m. to- day Sherman attacked the enemy’s line at four points, Schofield carrying the position of the enemy on Sandtown road, north of Ollely’s Creek, which he holds, and which is all the real gain of the day. Thomas attacked with four brigades,
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General James B. McPherson to – June 26, 1864
AND ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE Near Kenesaw Mountain, June 26, 1864.
In order to carry out Special Field Orders, Numbers 28, Military Division of the Mississippi, a copy of which is inclosed herewith,* corps commanders
From Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 23, 1864
GENERAL: Brigadier-General Leggett is going to make a strong re-connaissance from his position on Brush Mountain toward the enemy’s right flank, and also to threaten the town of Marietta. I desire you to co-operate with him, and for this purpose you will
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 23, 1864
GENERAL: The report of your reconnaissance of to-day received and is perfectly satisfactory. Major-General Thomas reports the main force of the enemy on his right, and I may have to move a portion of my command to his support in the morning. I wish you to
Read MoreFrom Major General Frank P. Blair, Jr. to Lieutenant Colonel William T. Clark – June 23, 1864
The morning of the 19th [June] developed the fact that the enemy had fallen back from Brush Mountain to a line extending from the base of Kenesaw Mountain northeast, covering Marietta. My line was advanced at once to the crest of Brush Mountain. The 20th,
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – June 22, 1864
GENERAL: I am starting for what I deem the point of most activity to-day, though the state of the roads won’t admit of much activity. Yet we may gain possession of ground useful. I wish you to keep Garrard moving about, without breaking connection with yo
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Grenville M. Dodge to Lieutenant Colonel William T. Clark – June 22, 1864
I have the honor to report that I sent scouting parties out on all the roads leading east and northeast from Big Shanty. They found all of General Garrard’s cavalry north and west of Noonday Creek; his principal force on Alabama road northeast of Big Shan
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – June 21, 1864
GENERAL: I saw these papers in the hands of your scout and read them hastily. I am gratified at the good progress of Howard, Wood, and Whitaker. Let them all hold fast to all we get, and be ready as soon as we can move with anything like life. Early to-mo
Read MoreFrom General Joseph E. Johnston to General Braxton Bragg – June 21, 1864
The situation is not essentially changed since my last dispatch. The enemy are apparently strengthening and extending their right on a line running generally north and south. On our right Wheeler yesterday, with 1,100 cavalry from Allen’s, An
From Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Captain L. M. Dayton – June 21, 1864
CAPTAIN: Please inform the major-general commanding the army that his communication of last night has been received. His instructions to cross Noonday Creek have, in anticipation, been complied with four times, and attempted another, within the last ten d
Read MoreReport from Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 21, 1864
Colonel Long had one regiment on picket guarding the crossing of Noonday Creek on the Bell’s Ferry road, and two regiments dismounted to meet any emergency. The fight lasted until after dark. From all information received it is just to conclude that the l
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General James B. McPherson – June 21, 1864
GENERAL: I have to report that instructions from General Sherman require me to interpose between the main rebel cavalry and the portion reported to have gone north of the Etowah to interfere with railroad communication. It seems to be the impression that
Read MoreReport of General Joseph E. Johnston, C. S. Army, commanding Army of Tennessee – June 20, 1864
On the 20th of June Wheeler, with 1,100 men, routed Garrard’s division of Federal cavalry on our right.
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 20, 1864
Send immediately a good portion of your dismounted men with their arms to report to Colonel George C. Rogers, commanding at Allatoona.
By order of Major General James B. McPherson:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
From Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 20, 1864
I do not wish to extend the infantry on that flank for good reasons. But the enemy has detached a great part of his cavalry back to our line of railroad where they are doing mischief. Now, if they can cross the Etowah, the Oostanaula, and Connesauga – lar
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – June 18, 1864
Your note is just received. I was down with Schofield till near dark – until after he had got bridge and crossing at Noyes’ Creek. I also happened to be near Howard when that firing occurred, and had I not been caught by mud and darkness would have come d
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to General U. S. Grant – June 18, 1864
DEAR GENERAL: I have the doubt you want me to write your occasionally letters not purely official, but which will admit of a little more latitude than such documents possess. I have daily sent to Halleck telegraphs which I asked him to report to you, and
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – June 17, 1864
GENERAL: Inclosed I send you at sketch* of the roads, &c., of this vicinity. I have been on the line all day examining the creek, and can, if you have occasion, lead the infantry out of view and put them over the Noonday Creek and onto the Canton and Mari
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General James B. McPherson – June 14, 1864
GENERAL: I have nothing to report except the information I gave you in all my previous reports is confirmed by every prisoner and deserter who comes within my camp, viz, that the infantry of the enemy is in force on the Lovingood Bridge and Marietta road
Read MoreFrom Major General George H. Thomas to Major General Oliver O. Howard – June 13, 1864
GENERAL: Your note has been received. Should the enemy mean a night attack on you all that can be done is to hold yourself in readiness. Should he mean to attack McPherson’s left and get around his left flank at our wagon train, which is probably his othe
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 13, 1864
GENERAL: Major-General Howard reports a movement of the enemy from the center toward our left. Look out for an attack, and also for an attack on our lines here about daylight. Should you hear sounds of heavy battle, move toward the firing.
Read MoreFrom James C. Van Duzer to Major T. T. Eckert – June 12, 1864
Has rained steadily all day; is raining still. Some skirmishing in front of center and left, and just at night quite heavy fire of small-arms heard in direction of Garrard’s position or extreme left of advance, of which no report is yet received. Whole co
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – June 12, 1864
Your note is received and I have sent word to McPherson. If the rebels mean a night attack, all we should do is to give notice to all divisions to be ready. If massing preparatory for daylight, their design is on McPherson’s left, around his left flank at
Read MoreFrom Colonel Robert H. G. Minty to Captain Robert P. Kennedy – June 12, 1864
CAPTAIN: Yesterday morning I received orders from the general commanding to proceed to McAfee’s Cross-Roads, on the Canton and Marietta and old Alabama roads, via Woodstock, and from thence to open communications with the Second Brigade at the junction of
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – June 11, 1864
GENERAL: I send you a report just received from Brigadier-General Garrard.* Have you any instructions for him? If he cannot make headway against Wheeler and drive him and hold both the roads he speaks of, I think he had better move down the Marietta road
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 10, 1864
GENERAL: The Army of the Tennessee is in camp in the vicinity of this place covering the Marietta and Roswell Factory road. From your note my understanding is, that you are some distance to the rear of our left flank, probably where the Canton road from t
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General James B. McPherson – June 10, 1864
GENERAL: My headquarters are where they were last night. This morning I sent Long’s brigade down on the Marietta and Lovegood’s bridge road, and secured the intersection of that road with the Big Shanty and Roswell Factory road, which is the main road lea
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 10, 1864
GENERAL: The enemy has detached largely from his cavalry, some of which is now up at Calhoun, far to our rear. Surely if this cavalry can make such marches ours should do something. I wish you to move out on the Roswell Factory road until you pass Brush M
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – June 9, 1864
In the Field, Acworth, Ga., June 9, 1864.
The armies will move forward to-morrow morning.
I. Major-General Thomas the center, on the Burnt Hickory and Marietta road and such other roads as he may choose between it and the Acworth and Marietta road,
From Major General James B. McPherson to H. W. Perkins – June 9, 1864
June 9, 1864.
* * * *
XVIII. The command will move to-morrow morning at 6 o’clock in the direction of Marietta in accordance with instructions of Major-General Sherman, inclosed herewith.*
First. The Fifteenth Army Corps, Major General John A. Lo
Special Field Orders from Major General John A. Logan to – June 8, 1864
V. In pursuance of instructions from department headquarters, Brigadier General William Harrow, commanding Fourth Division, will detail one brigade from his command to proceed at 8 o’clock to-morrow morning on the main M
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 7, 1864
Send a party to the iron-works north of the Etowah and destroy them root and branch. Colonel Long will be up by to-morrow morning. Be all ready for motion by Thursday. Leave your dismounted men and lame animals at the bridge where General Blair will leave
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Frank P. Blair, Jr. – June 6, 1864
Instead of marching via Euharlee and Stilesborough march straight for this place via Cartersville and Allatoona. There is a pontoon bridge at the railroad crossing; leave a regiment at that bridge and relieve Garrard’s cavalry, and the balance of a brigad
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – June 3, 1864
GENERAL: Lieutenant Tucker, of your headquarters guard, just from Kingston, comes to come to know about the train can safely come to you via Euharlee, Stilesborough, Allatoona, and down the road till it meets you at some point on the road from Allatoona t
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to J. C. Van Duzer – June 3, 1864
Both armies remain as at last advices by telegraph. Blair not at Rome yet. Stoneman and Garrard with cavalry occupy Allatoona Mountain, and trains and telegraph will reach Carter’s Station to-morrow. Who is General Grant?
Read MoreFrom Major General George H. Thomas to Major General William T. Sherman – June 3, 1864
GENERAL: General Baird succeeded in advancing his lines within a short distance of the house he was firing at this morning, and has his skirmishers beyond. General Palmer’s chief engineer went into Acworth to-day about 11 a.m., capturing 1 or 2 of the ene
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General William D. Whipple to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 3, 1864
GENERAL: The major-general commanding directs that you send two regiments of your division to scour the country between Burnt Hickory and the Etowah River and drive off the rebel cavalry now infesting that region, and thus afford greater protection to our
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – June 2, 1864
GENERAL: Your note of this morning to the general commanding just to hand and he directs me to answer. He wishes you to picket at the west end of Allatoona Pass. Report to General Stoneman and re-enforce him to the full extent of your command (save the pi
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General James B. McPherson – May 31, 1864
I sent you the orders of movement for to-morrow. I now send you a map which gives the best surveys, and I indicate the best points for your five divisions to cover the right flank. Our heaviest fighting will be still farther east than is given on this map
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General William T. Sherman to – May 30, 1864
In the Field, near Dallas, Ga., May 30, 1864.
The movements of the army during May 31 and June 1 will be as follows:
I. May 31, the lines will remain substantially as now, and a general activity will be kept up along the whole front. General McPhers
From Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 29, 1864
GENERAL: The general commanding directs that you withdraw Colonel Wilder’s brigade after dark, when the movement begins, and that you carry out the instructions given you in his letter of last evening.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
From Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 28, 1864
I have just returned from Major-General Sherman’s. In consequence of the battle this afternoon the movement contemplated to-night will not take place, and your troops will remain as usual in the lines ready to repel any attack. Colonel Wilder will retain
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 28, 1864
GENERAL: We are going to move from our present position to-night to the left, in order to connect our line with General Hooker’s right. We will move out of Dallas by the road which leads north to Burnt Hickory until we strike the Marietta road running eas
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 27, 1864
GENERAL: We are in Dallas. The enemy is evidently in force on the Marietta road, his left extending around to the Villa Rica road or near it. I desire you to push the main portion of your c
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 27, 1864
Your letter, inclosing report of Colonel Minty, is received.* His brigade has done good service to-day and drew four regiments of rebel cavalry from in front of our right off toward Villa Rica to fight him. I desire you to continue to press and threaten t
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – May 26, 1864
GENERAL: Inclosed please find sketch* of our position to-night. Garrard’s cavalry occupies pretty much the same position as last night. We entered this place shortly before 2 p.m. to-day, General Davis’ skirmishers and my own coming in about the same time
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 26, 1864
I am going to move directly on Dallas from my present position this morning. Thomas is to the north and east of Dallas about three miles.
I desire you to co-operate in such a manner as to cover our right flank and at the same time have an eye to our tr
From Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 25, 1864
GENERAL: The enemy had evidently massed his available strength in and about Dallas, and we may expect a heavy battle to-morrow. Hold your cavalry well in hand near your present headquarters, Adair’s Court-House, to cover our right flank, and be ready for
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 24, 1864
Commanding Cavalry Division
The main column is going into camp on this creek, where there is water. Camp your command in some good position for to-night on the road toward Dallas. Reconnoiter the roads thoroughly leading off to the southeast toward
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 24, 1864
The main column is going into camp on this creek, where there is water. Camp your command in some good position for to-night on the road toward Dallas. Reconnoiter the roads thoroughly leading off to the southeast toward Pumpkin Vine and Villa Rica. Find
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Brigadier General William D. Whipple – May 24, 1864
GENERAL: I am camped on the Pumpkin Vine three miles from Dallas and three miles from Pumpkin Vine Church. This afternoon I moved on Dallas, and when in a mile of it was attacked by a brigade of infantry and one of cavalry; at least such is the impression
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Colonel Eli Long – May 23, 1864
General Blair is moving from Huntsville and Decatur on Rome. March to Decatur and overtake General Blair and report to him and accompany him to Rome, where orders will await you. Cavalry with a train is worse than useless. Let your train fall in with the
Read MoreSpecial Field Orders from Major General James B. McPherson to – May 22, 1864
This army will move to-morrow morning, Major-General Logan, commanding Fifteenth Army Corps, having the advance, marching at 6 o’clock across the Wooley’s Bridge, on the Van Wert road. Brigadier- General Dodge2 commanding Left Wing, Sixteenth Army Corps,
Read MoreReport of Lieutenant Colonel Josiah B. Park, Fourth Michigan Cavalry – May 21, 1864
SIR: I have the honor to report that, in compliance with verbal order of the colonel commanding brigade, I reported to General Garrard, with Companies L, F. M, K, E, H, and B, numbering 284 men and 17 officers, at Woodland, about seven miles northwest of
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Captain L. M. Dayton – May 21, 1864
CAPTAIN: I send to the major-general commanding a citizen who has lived in this section of country and can give good information concerning the roads and country south of this. Last night
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General William T. Sherman – May 20, 1864
GENERAL: The force I sent across the river at this point proceeded without opposition to the mill near the mouth of the Euharlee, crossed that stream on a good bridge, and about half a mile further found a good bridge over the Etowah. They encountered no
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 19, 1864
GENERAL: Send a detachment of 100 men to Rome and to hunt up Brigadier-General Davis division. If Rome is in our possession or evacuated scour the country west of Barnsley Creek as far as the Oostanaula for prisone
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – May 19, 1864
GENERAL: I am satisfied that if there be any force in front of you it is a division of Cheatham’s that said here last night. It should not escape. Garrard’s cavalry is now moving for the bridge across Etowah, with orders to hold it. Press down on that for
Read MoreFrom R. W. Johnson to Major General John M. Palmer – May 19, 1864
GENERAL: I arrived at the bridge and found General Garrard here and no appearance of any cavalry in the country. I posted the troops, and requested Garrard to use his cavalry to examine another ford or bridge reported near here. He is now absent. Rebel tr
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Brigadier General William D. Whipple – May 19, 1864
GENERAL: One regiment of General Garrard s cavalry (One hundred and twenty-third Illinois Mounted Infantry) arrived at lii in. to-day at this place. The pontoons arrived about the same hour; hence I shall have two bridges in a
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – May 18, 1864
GENERAL: Until we know exactly the course taken by Johnston from Kingston I cannot make orders more exact than those already existing. You are now on the plain, well-marked trail of the enemy. You will, early in the morning, renew the pursuit, following t
Read MoreFrom Major General James B. McPherson to Major General William T. Sherman – May 18, 1864
GENERAL: We reached here at 6.30 p.m. found General Garrard here in accordance with instructions given him this morning. I inclose herewith his report, which will give you an idea of what his command has done to-day.* The report indicates that the enemy i
Read MoreFrom Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Brigadier General William D. Whipple – May 18, 1864
GENERAL: Your communication directing me to return and cross the Oostanaula at Lay’s Ferry came to hand last evening about an hour before sunset. The enemy, variously estimated at 3,000 to 5,000, were moving forward to attack me. While reading the note th
Read MoreReport from Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – May 18, 1864
SIR: I have the honor to report that my command moved from camp on the Oostanaula at daylight this morning, passing rapidly through McGuire’s; thence down the Rome road to Hermitage; thence to Woodland, arriving at the latter place at 12 m. Near this plac
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General George H. Thomas – May 17, 1864
GENERAL: It is probable on reaching Adairsville in the early morning we will find the enemy has retreated via Cassville. If such be the case I want you to put your head of column after him as far as Cassville, when I will determine whether to continue the
Read MoreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General Henry W. Halleck – May 16, 1864
Railroad track finished and cars in. Columns are well across Oostanaula, and I will aim to reach Kingston to-morrow, and the Etowah on the third day. I take it for granted Rome will fall as a consequence.
From Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis to Major General George H. Thomas – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: This will be handed you by a staff officer of General Garrard, who returns with information that no bridge exists across the Oostanaula below the pontoons until you reach Rome. He reports General Garrard returning to Resaca, to cross at the ponto
Read MoreFrom Captain L. M. Dayton to Major General John M. Schofield – May 16, 1864
GENERAL: Your dispatch of midnight is to hand, and the general commanding says it’s very well, and to secure a strong flank on the river, keeping your one division in reserve. General Garrard is in possession of the bridge over Oostanaula, eight miles thi
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